Knit 1, Read 2

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Has it Really Been a Week?

Just at the outset, I hate blogger for pictures. Having said that, this should be in reverse order. This is a Luke's Chicago Dog. Simply fabu.
This is the eatery where Nirvana is found.
This is the Rookery, a Frank Lloyd Wright renovated project. He did the inside.
But this should have been the first picture and the reason we went to Chicago. It was a great trip. Thanks, Lyn. Missed you, Aaron.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

another post!

This is the Palmer House where we will be staying this weekend.

The ice cream is tasty, but a bit too frozen. I made it before work and put it in the freezer to "cure." Next time, a three hour cure. Hmmm, that sounds like a song. "A three hour cure, a three hour cure."

My diamonds could be put in another mounting...if they still made them for marquis and if it could be reshaped for ovals. If you frequent pawn shops, BOLO. (Be on the lookout!)

Discovered reason for tingly feeling in fingers and "pulled muscle" pain was probably a broken rib. All that hacking in the winter. That reminds me of a Daddy story.
In Nashville, down church row, is one of the biggies. The church has some really steep steps. (Remember it? There is a Walgreens across the street. Or maybe its an Eckerds. anyway...) An elderly congregant was being laid to rest and his buddies were carrying the casket out to the hearse (of course, down those steep steps - why couldn't they have planned that one better?) Well, long story short, one of the old men missed a step and that set all the other old men off and they let the casket slip. As luck would continue to work, it slid all the way down the steps, gaining speed, sailed across the street and in to the front window of the drugstore. The casket burst with the impact! The old fellow popped up out of his box and said, "You got anything to stop this coffin?"

Aaron is going to be in Dallas while we're in Chicago. Somehow that doesn't seem fair, but I don't know if it isn't fair to Aaron or if it isn't fair to the rest of us! He will be "churched" when he gets back home tho. I think they're going to a synagogue, a mosque, an Eastern temple of some sort, Ba'hai worship center, and maybe RC mass. That's either all but one or one too many. I know my brain would be on overload. Its hard enough to have communion before the sermon!

Last thing, go to Aaron's facebook and read his notes about music. I've told him he needs to send something to Rolling Stone. If you agree, push. I'm trying not to go Jewish mother on him, but it is difficult! However, it could be I'm just blinded by the amazing abilities of my two stellar offspring and cannot see that I might be the slightest bit biased.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Eating Memories

Scott and I went to church at West End again yesterday. It was good. We were running just a smidge late and it was raining slightly. It would have been nice to have the same thing the Anglican's have on Sunday mornings...valet parking. Even the Kroger in Belle Meade has valet parking. Wow.

We drove around looking for a diner Scott semi-remembered, we didn't find it, wound up someplace not memorable apparently, but afterward, the light was on! So, we bought a dozen and I made Krispy Kreme bread pudding for Scott's supper last night. But that left 5 in the box, 2 of which were just "memory eaten" by me. Mother would slowly warm day old Krispy Kremes in an iron skillet in just the least bit of butter until the bottom was crisp and the top was soft and starting to caramelize the sugar glaze. Took me back to being five years old in the kitchen at 419. Yum!

We also went to the jewelry store where Scott bought my ring wrap for our 12th anniversary. For my birthday, I wanted all the stones on one ring. After two trips, they told me they can't do it. They also can't stretch my ring since I've worn it until it is almost worn through and the way the diamonds are set they won't cut it to put in a piece. So, I either have a custom ring made, or let my diamonds live in the drawer where they've been for a year. Pooh.

To ease my disappointment, we bought the newest attachment to my favorite kitchen toy, my Kitchenaid. Got the ice cream maker. I'm excited. Made french vanilla custard tonight, but you have to freeze the bowl and chill the custard, so it will be tomorrow night before we taste to see if it is as good as Maggie Moo's - as if anything could be. Sigh.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

He did OK

Scott took me to Sportsman's Grille, it was yummy. Then we shopped for a bit at Tar-jay. Just movies. Got a watchband. I really liked a little gold bracelet, but he said I shouldn't be buying costume jewelry anymore. I should look for the good stuff to hand down. So, the little costume 10K gold bangle stayed there...I now have ebay up.

So, I'm Fifty and...

I've told Aaron I will claim to be 42 now instead of 39 so I will at least have been 18 when he was born.

I had a nice day at school, just regular stuff, no one knew, so my students played For my birthday present to me, they fed 191 people. (We figure 2400 grains of rice is about a serving.) I cried.

Scott is currently mowing, so I'm not sure he remembers, tho we did talk non specifically about eating out tonight. I'm practicing not being disappointed. He hasn't remembered my birthday for years. or our anniversary.

Lyn is using her ticket money which couldn't be used last year to bring Scott and me to Chicago while she is there next weekend. That should more than make up for a very normal day today. She's very sweet and I'm VERY excited. Haven't been to Chicago since I was a child.

BIGGEST birthday present though came 3 hours early. My great nephew, Devin Francisco Salas was born last night. Can't wait to pinch all four of his cheeks. He may be a big boy before I see him tho. He lives in Hawaii with his mommy and daddy.

Every one have a great weekend!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Nearly a Month?

Can't believe I didn't post while I was off! Several things happened and have happened since.

Scott and I did lots of planting, garden stuff, flowers, trees, etc. We went to Searcy for Lyn's play, fabulous, of course. Got to spend some good time with Aaron and more time than we expected with Lyn. Spent good moments with the Weavers and I MET TAMMIE! That was fun, even though she didn't feel her best. Visited with Jack, Reagan and Nate, Dan and Kerry - and Ian!, and the in-law +1. I'm sure I did other things, but who can remember 3 weeks ago?

Last week, I treated myself to a full massage, and I'm having a follow-up Tuesday. For some reason, I've pinched a nerve in my back and my right arm is going to sleep. The massage has helped a great deal and it was very relaxing besides.

My knitting class is going well and I've "knit on demand" a couple of times lately. I have a baby sweater and hat I can whip out if I don't have any interruptions in a couple of days - about 9-10 hours of knitting - which are very cute. I'm more encouraged all the time to go ahead and take the plunge to become a certified master knitter. I'm not sure what that will prove to anyone, including yours truly!

Two biggies. We officially have gone to church at West End. It was nice. Scott even got over it looking like Downtown before services started. Preacher was in a vest, khakis, and hush puppies - that helped. So, we may not be too out of place there.

The other biggie is that I have an interview at an elementary school in a couple of weeks. I laughed and told Aaron that if I get the job, he and Lyn will be off the hook for grandkids a little while longer. Dream job would be 5th grade math and literature. We'll see if anything is in the cards.

I plan to post pictures right after this last word...they worked. One is of Lyn and the rest of the cast of "Little Shop of Horrors" which was cleaned up for a Harding audience. Lyn made bets with the cast about when I would cry. I'm not sure if she won real money, but I did cry at least twice.
The other pic is from Big Green Tom Lake. You may not recognize it since the part with the sign is usually not close to the water. Interesting trip to Memphis.