Knit 1, Read 2

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Nearly a Month?

Can't believe I didn't post while I was off! Several things happened and have happened since.

Scott and I did lots of planting, garden stuff, flowers, trees, etc. We went to Searcy for Lyn's play, fabulous, of course. Got to spend some good time with Aaron and more time than we expected with Lyn. Spent good moments with the Weavers and I MET TAMMIE! That was fun, even though she didn't feel her best. Visited with Jack, Reagan and Nate, Dan and Kerry - and Ian!, and the in-law +1. I'm sure I did other things, but who can remember 3 weeks ago?

Last week, I treated myself to a full massage, and I'm having a follow-up Tuesday. For some reason, I've pinched a nerve in my back and my right arm is going to sleep. The massage has helped a great deal and it was very relaxing besides.

My knitting class is going well and I've "knit on demand" a couple of times lately. I have a baby sweater and hat I can whip out if I don't have any interruptions in a couple of days - about 9-10 hours of knitting - which are very cute. I'm more encouraged all the time to go ahead and take the plunge to become a certified master knitter. I'm not sure what that will prove to anyone, including yours truly!

Two biggies. We officially have gone to church at West End. It was nice. Scott even got over it looking like Downtown before services started. Preacher was in a vest, khakis, and hush puppies - that helped. So, we may not be too out of place there.

The other biggie is that I have an interview at an elementary school in a couple of weeks. I laughed and told Aaron that if I get the job, he and Lyn will be off the hook for grandkids a little while longer. Dream job would be 5th grade math and literature. We'll see if anything is in the cards.

I plan to post pictures right after this last word...they worked. One is of Lyn and the rest of the cast of "Little Shop of Horrors" which was cleaned up for a Harding audience. Lyn made bets with the cast about when I would cry. I'm not sure if she won real money, but I did cry at least twice.
The other pic is from Big Green Tom Lake. You may not recognize it since the part with the sign is usually not close to the water. Interesting trip to Memphis.


  • I enjoyed being in Searcy...even though I didn't feel my best, but I am feeling better...I could really get used to this laying around and resting thing! And I am so glad I got to met you too! Just didn't get to spend quite enough time together. The play was excellent - except for the negative slant it put on dentists.....Lyn did an excellent job. Hope to see you again soon!

    By Blogger Tammie's Thoughts, at 9:33 AM  

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