Knit 1, Read 2

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What have I done?

I'm on facebook. I know, the technology teacher being on facebook, what is the big deal? The deal is, I've avoided it. Blogging and reading blogs is cool. It isn't in your face so to speak. But, and maybe this is because I've been on for only 24 hours and lots of things have to happen, but...this facebook stuff is WAY too informative for me, I think. Do I really need to know my cousin has just left work? Do I need to know my daughter just got mail from someone I don't know? Do I need to know my cousin-in-law's son has added three more friends from the army? (Honestly, I doubt Michael remembers ever meeting me, if he remembers his cousin is even married would surprise me!)

I love reading blogs. I have about 20 I check regularly through my wonderful RSS feed. Some of you don't update often, but that is OK, when you do it is fresh and interesting - even if I did just talk to you on the phone! Some of the blogs I read are of the cult variety. I read 2 or 3 of the top 10 knitting blogs. One of them got way too personal recently - had to leave hers. Reading about someone's divorce is painful anytime, but this lady was sharing intimacies with hundreds of strangers. I came for the knitting - not the unknotting.

SO! Though I joined facebook to connect with the world at large so to speak, it is seeming to be much too small a place. I'll try to stay for a while so I'm not just a transient, but I think I might have taken the wrong bus. Don't take it personally if I'm suddenly not your friend ain't really the way I feel!


  • Facebook does have it's disadvantages. My Testing and Assessment teacher said he had a former client ask to be his friend on facebook....that puts him in an ethical dilemma....I haven't run into that problem yet and hope I never do...some of my friends do update facebook more often than they update their blogs though and put more photos on there so that's a plus.
    But you gotta do what you feel is best for you!

    By Blogger Tammie's Thoughts, at 10:29 AM  

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