Knit 1, Read 2

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

faineant: Word of the Day

faineant \fay-nay-AWN\, adjective: Doing nothing or given to doing nothing; idle; lazy.
I do love my word of the day. I like it so much that I have two different subscriptions. The other WOD was syllabub \SILL-uh-bub\ noun: milk or cream that is curdled with an acid beverage (as wine or cider) and often sweetened and served as a drink or topping or thickened with gelatin and served as a dessert.
Syllabub is not nearly as good as boiled custard.

But, back to our program.

Tammy says she is putting off taking the tree down. Our tree is down. In the floor. Not in the box(es.) The ornaments have been sorted, but not put away. "After all, tomorrow is another day!"

What did I do this year?
January: got ready for surgery
January 31/February: near comatose for majority of the month. Watched lots of TV and read lots of books. Sweet.
March: Went back to school, was sent home, had two more weeks off, went back to school, came home and went to bed most days. Missed Lyn not coming home for break.
April: I believe I was knitting.
May: End of school, what can I say?
June: 8 tomatoes!
July: Bummin' at Perdido Key. Ummm.
August: SCHOOL! Aaron returns to HU. Lyn is a senior.
September: Motorcyclin'
October: Arkansas and firearms.
November: Thanksgiving and we are all together. Plenty to be thankful for right there. Began THE VEST.
December: Blurred vision? Is it gone? I'm sure December is over because I finished THE VEST. (It is now vacationing in Oregon with its owner)

So plans for this year? Not to have surgery, to knit less and clean more (like that is really going to happen - who AM I kidding here? I probably need rehab), continue to be happy in the place I am in (as long as the door is closed) while I continue to look for other employment, to actually continue to exercise this year, to visit Arkansas more often during the school year, and to be kind to other people's children. I also may try to lay off quite so much sugar, eventually. After we finish the King Cake. (I made one, it turned out really well - tho I only had sprinkles for faith - no gold for power or purple for justice...we'll just have to have the faith that the others will be taken care of!) Oh, and Lyn is making Amy Vawter's cheesecake tomorrow. We'll have to eat that. And Aaron comes home Sunday...Well, heck, it is already January 2, only 364 more days till I can try that sugar resolution again!


  • I did get the ornaments off the tree and put up, but the tree is still standing...that's Tim's job....maybe we'll just leave it all year and decorate it for each season...
    I'm not making any New years resolutions...what's the point...I never keep them anyway....
    I still need a month or two to take off and do nothing but read and sleep and be lazy...don't want to be sick or have surgery to get to do it...just the luxury of feeling able to do it but it doesn't look like it's going to come about any time soon!

    By Blogger Tammie's Thoughts, at 11:13 AM  

  • i love the vest! and CASHMERE...i tried to comment on the previous post, but it wouldn't let me for some reason.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:45 PM  

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