Knit 1, Read 2

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No school, no party!

School has been cancelled here for two days due to a horrendous multi county outbreak of strep and flu. A friend took her child to the nearby walkin pediatrian's office early last week. The staff told her when her child's tests came back positive for BOTH that they had 92 confirmed by test cases of flu in something like 18 hours of the clinic being open that week. That's just in the pediatric office!
So, since we didn't have school I didn't have a party. I currently have the drinks for punch, cookies and about 35 goodie bags all at school, ready to go, maybe for tomorrow when Aaron is subbing for me! HA! I won't be caring about that about 12 hours from now, will I? School was cancelled about the time I'd decided how I could make a "panty" cake since Lyn didn't want me to make the jelly roll. (Round pan, cut almost in half, cut outs for "legs", ice all in white with white piping for seams and elastic. I'm a granny panty girl. Sexy.)
I did get the house cleaned, well, to my specifications anyway. It is amazing how much better the vacuum cleaner works with a Kirby belt instead of the Kenmore belt the last guy sold me. My carpet just looks sad and worn now instead of dirty, sad and worn!
I'm in a study group for two things at the hospital. I can only remember one. I'm supposed to drink half of a 7up in the morning about 4:30 before my 7:30 surgery. The study is determining if women do better before going under general anesthesia if their blood sugar doesn't fall. Nausea, blood pressure, and something else are being monitored for changes. I'm just glad I got to be in the drink something group rather than the old "Don't brush your teeth" group!
The weather is not supposed to cooperate with visitors while I'm in there. Snow and 14 degrees by sometime tomorrow. Am I a horrible person for being glad? I just had surgery. Thank you for thinking of me, but I don't feel like entertaining you. Go away! Exceptions to this would be those who would clean my house before anyone showed up if I became incapacitated, the immediates, and my dad and Pauline. Maybe my cousin, the nurse.
That sweet Gene offered to come stay with me while I recouperate at home. I can think of very , very few I'd rather have. (Less than one hand, Gene - and Beckie is one.) I don't think, based on experience - (I know myself, I really don't think.) Based on previous surgeries of the same type where somewhat larger things were removed than I'm expecting tomorrow, I think I'll be OK. At least this time, I don't have to feed it and diaper it. Plus, I don't have to get out of a waterbed anymore. Just those things alone should take care of the 20 years older thing.
I'll be back in a couple of days to let you know how Scott and I did!


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