Knit 1, Read 2

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

First time surgery

Been through hearing specialists forever, Aaron had shingles at age eight, Lyn has been in the ER more times than I can remember, but today was the first time I did surgery with a child. I did OK, I think. Oh, how did Lyn do? Well, apart from a minor do-over the doctor called after about an hour and a half into recovery, she seemed to do pretty well, too. She was really miserable for the first hour or so, until we figured out she was bleeding in her throat. Doc came in with some apperati, cauterized her throat, ick and ow, and after a good dose of pain meds and several popsicles later, Lyn was feeling much better. We were only there for six hours! Out patient is the way to go. The ride home wore her out, so we watched my Christmas present from Aaron, The Bishop's Wife, had another dose of pain meds, another popsicle, some ice cream, and she seems to be doing better again. Worst part? No pizza for three weeks! I'm not sure that is going to be in the realm of comfort. While I waited, instead of worrying, I watched two of the Back to the Future movies on TV learned how to knit a short row toe for the first pair of socks I'm going to knit for myself. I've only knit a couple of Christmas stockings before; this will be interesting. Thanks for the prayers everyone, I'm better now...oh, yeah, Lyn's fine, too.


  • Glad both you and Lyn made it made it ok. It's always toughter when you are older. I envious that she gets to eat ice cream with no one fussing at her for days on end!

    What about your surgery?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:17 AM  

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