Knit 1, Read 2

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Covet...

I covet your prayers for Lyn for the next couple of days. Her sugar has been strange, she's made an appointment to go for the glucose tolerance test she hates so much. This is the one where you drink the quart of syrup and have 1/2 a pint of blood drawn every 30 minutes for 4 hours. Haven't done that one for about 4 years now. Her daddy said it's poor diet, little exercise, and no sleep. I sure hope he's right as usual.

I covet an alarm clock that works. Or a cat who hasn't figured out how to punch snooze before the clock goes off. Yes, Deputy the wondercat can not only make the piercing green light come on in the middle of the night, he has somehow figured out how to make that thing not make that terrible noise. The alarm clock lives in the bedside table now, away from abnormal 4-legged creatures.
BTW, we have retrieved Aaron's bed shaking alarm clock from the air vent where it has been since early summer, four full days after finding the clock which can literally "wake the dead " as it vibrates and reverberates throughout the whole house. I can recommend the "Sonic Shaker" to other hearing impaired people. I cannot recommend keeping it above the air return your son has taken the cover off of to maximize air flow. Gravity happens.

I covet patience. Now. Someplace in Hades has openings. I know for a fact some of my seventh graders vacated their spots recently. The same children I loved before Labor Day have turned into the Spawn of Satan or at least of Damien. Will any of you come visit me on death row?

I almost covet a new washer. Mine still works on one cycle if it is set to warm wash/cold rinse. I'm too cheap to get a washer repaired which is older than my children. I also have 2 industrial washers in my basement which could be fixed for 1/2 the price of a new washer and I'd be in 7th heaven. Those washers were born the same year I was. And I only need 1/2 of one fixed! I know...get off your duff, Rushton.

I covet a funny story from my readers on the comment section. One of you had a particularly stressful week which was at least in part due to my negligence. So, we all need a laugh. It doesn't have to be about yourself, though truth is usually stranger than fiction. Shall I tell you about the first time my first born pooped in the bathtub? Or about me asking my dad out loud at the Catholic hospital if the sisters were witches? (Those same "witches" were the ones who after that would sneak me upstairs, hiding under their habits, to see my brother.) Or how about how the dog likes to pull the cat around the house in a Walmart bag? Or about the first year I taught school and how "this" written by a dyslexic child on the chalkboard could translate itself to my black skirt resulting in coworker saying, "Freda, did you know you have "sh*t" on your butt?"

I covet someone out there knowing how to get Aaron's new portable keyboard to sync with his SmartPhone.

I covet your friendships. Thank you all for the support this weekend. I feel better.

I do covet one more thing. If I die before you, PLEASE do NOT have a funeral SERMON where it becomes necessary to have an invitation hymn sung at the end of it! Funeral #1 yesterday - fine, no "come to Jesus" sermon. Funeral #2 - OH...MY....GOODNESS! If we'd been Baptists there would have been an altar call!


  • HEY! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU are the one who took the cover off of the vent! I'll own up to tbe butterfingers that dropped the clock in the first place, but YOU took the cover off! NOT my fault!

    By Blogger Aaron, at 8:24 PM  

  • First of all....NOT YOUR FAULT! We can not take on the ways of our biological sisters that make us insane as our responsibility. I have cast off that guilt and will not ever accept it again. My sister is looney and it is her fault not mine. There I feel cleansed just writing it.

    Funny funeral story...a friend of mind was asked to speak at the funeral of someone who did not attend any type of church. He tried to prepare as best he could but was not prepared for the biker friends to show up in their "colors" and slide beer cans into the casket.

    My friends also will not let a sermon with the steps of salvation be preached at my all had better be smiling at my service cause plan on smiling back at you from heaven!!!

    By Blogger BW, at 7:31 AM  

  • Once when we were singing at a funeral, someone leaned on the organ and the cover was not down so in the middle of the service there was this sudden loud strange organ music...we were all laughing so hard that when it was time to sing, we could hardly sing at all.

    Now when I die, i want the burial to be first with just close family and friends and then I want a memorial service where everybody and anybody can get up and say all the fun things we did together...Reagan should have some really fun stories to tell about our travels together...and then I want everyone dismissed to the fellowhship hall where there will be wonderful food waiting for everyone to continue to laugh and remember and enjoy while they eat! NO SERMON! I pray that my life will have been sermon enough that people will know that I love Jesus and that they will have seen him shining through me BEFORE I die!

    By Blogger Tammie's Thoughts, at 12:56 PM  

  • ok. tammie mentioned it!

    once, when we were travelling in germany, we were all four staying in a hotel room (my mom, tammie, mami, and me). mami and i shared the big bed, mom had a twin bed, and tammie was on a roll away, fold up bed.
    tammie is proned to talking in her sleep, which many people are (i am one). at some point in the night, she SAT UP in bed and YELLED at the top of her lungs "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE--I'm sorry!" you see, she had woken herself up in mid-yell, went ahead and finished the entire thought and then moved right on into the apology for all of us.
    we all woke up and laughed. tammie decided since she was awake that she would go ahead and use the little fraulein's room. when she came back, she sat on her rollaway, fold up bed and it promptly snapped shut with her little legs scissoring back and forth. NOT A ONE OF US got out of bed to help her, but just cracked up laughing.
    i love travelling with her.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:10 PM  

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