Knit 1, Read 2

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Word of the Day "meme"

Here are your 10 questions. I've left them unanswered for the moment to allow you to easily copy them to your own blogs as I am tagging any and all readers. You may answer here or in your own space if you leave a link.

I think these are going to require thought on my part...

1. Hardcover or paperback, and why?
2. If I were to own a book shop, I would call it...
3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title)
4. The author (alive or deceased) I would love to have lunch with would be
5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be…
6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that…
7. The smell of an old book reminds me of...
8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be…
9. The most overestimated book of all times is….
10. I hate it when a book…

1. I can't pick. Paperback for travel and b/c most fit my cute little leather holder with the bookmark. Hardback for reading while knitting since it will usually stay open with minimal help.

2. Either Yen for Yarns or Knit 1, Read 2 since I'd have to sell yarn and books (and chocolate) in the same store.

3. Maybe the one about the answer to life's question being "42" from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Nothing profound comes to mind.

4. I would like to eat with Agatha Christie. I think she'd be good company and fun.

5. Have to go with the cliche answer of the Bible because it really does have EVERYTHING, including scary Halloween type stories like the bones coming to life. Ick.

6. The perfect gizmo would hold my book at eye level for me, you know the right eye level for bifocals, and would turn the page when I nodded my head. It would also respond for the need for chocolate so I would not have to put down my knitting.

7. Old book smells take me back to vacuuming and dusting the rare book room in the Harding library.

8. I'd like to be Nancy Drew. She was perfect, had adventures, had boyfriends, had cool clothes and a car!

9. I'd have to say ANY book on the Oprah list. Except for the Secret Life of Bees. Wasn't that one of hers? It was wonderful.

10. I hate any book which trickles off with a boring ending after a thoroughly good read up to the last chapter. I hate it when the denouement and the climax are in the same sentence.


  • This is going to require more thought than I can give at this point in the Red Sox game. I'll get back with you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:28 PM  

  • Hmmmm...

    1. Hardcover or paperback, and why? Paperback, that way I can use the cute leather cover that you gave me. And I don't feel as guilty about buying instead of getting from the library which I forget to do.
    2. If I were to own a book shop, I would call it...
    Look, A Book
    3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) I can't remember it. It comes from the Sweet Potato Book of Love and it has to do with former boyfriends.
    4. The author (alive or deceased) I would love to have lunch with would be I am going to have to also go with Agatha Christie. I have read all she has ever written, except for one collection of short stories that was only published in the UK. I would love to hear about her days of archaeological digging with her husband.
    5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be… although it sounds simple, I think the Bible. It has some good stories and inspirational words that could get one through the isolation of an island.
    6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that…holds the book for me so that I can lie on my side in bed and read.
    7. The smell of an old book reminds me of...The Bobbsey Twins books.
    8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be…Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility
    9. The most overestimated book of all times is….Ragtime...hated it
    10. I hate it when a book…doesn't give a good wrap up for the characters.

    By Blogger BW, at 3:21 PM  

  • 1. Hardcover or paperback, and why? Depends on what the material is and how big it is. I tend to lean towards hardback for bigger stuff.
    2. If I were to own a book shop, I would call it... Expanded Horizons
    3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) Well, it's not the best ever, it's just one of them. "Ye have ten seconds to make yer peace with whatever monkey gods ye hold sacred."
    - Blackbeard the Pirate in Andrew Boyd and Ryan Yount's Scurvy Dogs
    4. The author (alive or deceased) I would love to have lunch with would be Frank Miller. No question. (Sin City, 300, Daredevil, Batman, etc...)
    5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be… ...sigh... The records of the congress of the United States of America, as it has the entire Bible in it as well as a bunch of other stuff.
    6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that… makes it entirely waterproof.
    7. The smell of an old book reminds me of... The Chronicles of Narnia.
    8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be… I'd be Fone Bone!
    9. The most overestimated book of all times is... The Great Gatsby
    10. I hate it when a book… is written by an author who thinks he or she knows more than his or her audience.

    By Blogger Aaron, at 8:54 PM  

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