Knit 1, Read 2

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sleep is Elusive

Did I use that right? Meaning sleep gets away from me easily? I'm so sleepy right now I feel like I could crash for a week. By the time I get up, wash my face and brush my teeth - I'll be wide awake. Then I'll turn on the TV to lull me slowly unconscious, but since I have become addicted to Scrubs, I'll get involved in the story and stay awake until the last 5 minutes when I promptly fall asleep and miss the ending. I didn't see the end of Burn Notice Thursday night - asleep on the couch. They say the longer you are married the more like your spouse you become. I was sort of hoping for being able to read people better instead of falling asleep during the movies. When I do get to sleep it is no guarantee I'll stay there. Usually one or two nights a week I'm awake at least an hour or so in the middle of the night. There is some strange TV going on at 3AM.
Speaking of movies, we went to HPOOP last night. Aaron said he felt it was probably the best Potter movie so far. He had heard the adaptation was not as close - and that was borne out. They didn't mention Uxbridge banning Harry from Quidditch forever, and I missed the moat the Weasley twins created leaving Hogwarts. In all, I don't think we hated dear Delores enough. I also thought the kids were slighted in the Ministry scenes. They fought much harder than was portrayed. I do think not meeting Neville's parents in the hospital was covered adequately if not too imaginatively. Scott, Gene and Lyn were pleased. Now, we only have to wait 6 more days to find out who gets what in the end. Like LOTR and Star Wars, I'll be sad to see it end. I think Jan Karon is getting us ready for a parting as well and I just can't stand it.
Gene is here, we've had fun so far. I have to tell a funny on him. At the movie last night, Lyn and Scott had already gone in, Gene and I were getting drinks, Aaron had yet to arrive. As Gene and I got to the ticket takers, one of them said to me, "I know you, don't I?" Based on who he was with, I said I was Lyn's mom, he responded that Lyn was awesome, and the other ticket taker said much the same about Aaron. I thanked them and said something mom-like, and Gene pops up and says, "I'm their uncle!" We just laughed and walked on in the theater, leaving them in the dark!
Getting down to the wire now. School starts in 8 days. We are going to try to squeeze a trip in to the Gulf next week. If anyone knows of a hotel which might have vacancies...please advise! We just cooked this up Wednesday after church. Any good places to eat from the Ladies of the Club?
I lack 3 chapters of The Hobbit. I've read it at least 5 or 6 times. It is such a great yarn. I love picture of Tolkien on the back of the $.99 paperback I picked up at either Great Escape or Goodwill. He's laughing and crinkly eyed and it just makes you want to pinch his cheeks. No wonder CSLewis couldn't resist him!


  • You can always go to to look for places to stay at Gulf Shores, but when we were down there, there were vacancies everywhere. As for places to eat, you can't go wrong at The Shrimp Basket or Sea and Suds or Lulu's or Bay Side Grill...can you tell that eating seafood at Gulf Shores is one of my favorite things to do?
    Kaiser Reality also has lots of listings for places to stay. Have lots of fun and eat some fried crab claws and think of me!

    By Blogger Tammie's Thoughts, at 8:36 AM  

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