Knit 1, Read 2

Saturday, May 23, 2009

June Report

Since it is Memorial Day weekend, I’ll update a bit early. Does it seem strange to any of the rest of you that Memorial Day is so early in the month this year? I still have five days left of school after this! At least I have only five days with children. I will be the summer librarian at our school for the month of June. Besides having to continue to work two days a week during my six weeks off, I’m excited about it. Always wanted to do it, this will be a good taste.

I took off a half day Thursday to go to the doctor with Scott. We knew it was not the last visit, but Lyn and Aaron were home, so we took them with us to meet Dr. Dinkins. New office, nice building, still had to wait an hour.

Dr. Dinkins is a really nice guy. Think I’ve said that. But he really disappointed Scott this visit, even though he knew in his heart that this was coming…no work in June. Therapy is going really well. Scott is walking a mile in 40 minutes. He can ride in the van. He can sit on a bar stool for supper. We’ve even gotten him into the den since Aaron and Lyn have been home to sit in his favorite chair which we’ve built up with his extra cushions. But he is not up any where near ten hours yet, let alone being able to sit for a ten hour shift – even with the breaks the guys have promised him. So, we had to be brutally honest and admit he still has a long way to go. Doc said a pro athlete with all the stuff at their disposal would be out a full year with this kind of injury to one knee. Maybe it was good that this week was the first time we’d heard that. Scott might not have pushed so hard and have come so far already.

Stairs are okay to start working on again. Right now, he can manage 2-3” steps without a problem. A normal step is 6-8”, meaning we have a way to go. I’m trying to borrow a set of physical therapy stairs from my county school system for the summer. They’re huge (size of a couch) but they would be a big asset to have for a few weeks.

Lyn’s home for the summer this year, Aaron’s off to Alabama. I’ll be home a couple of weeks in July before having to go back to work. I’m looking forward to having Scott home with me for once in the summer. Maybe he will get to start back to work when I go back.

Did you ever think someone could have to relearn how to sit after they relearned how to walk??


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